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Allium cv. Globemaster

Allium cv. Globemaster

ユリ科ネギ属の多年草で、学名は Allium cv. Globemaster。英名は Ornamental onion。 
The Ornamental onion (Allium cv. Globemaster) belongs to the Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is a perennial herb that is a hybrid cross between Allium christophii and Allium macleanii. The leaves are strap-shaped, gray-green, basal, and form a clump of foliage in spring. As the leaves begin to wither in mid-spring, stout flowering stems rise to 50-75 cm tall topped with huge, globular, deep lavender to silver-purple flower heads. Flower heads dry after bloom and remain ornamental in the garden well into summer. 
イギリス・リッモンド・アポン・テムズ「キューガーデン」にて、2018年06月22日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis) 

Shu Suehiro