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Alocasia calidora

Alocasia calidora

サトイモ科クワズイモ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Alocasia calidora。英名は Calidora elephant ear。 
Calidora elephant ear (Alocasia calidora) belongs to the Araceae (the Arum family). It is an evergreen herb that is a hybrid between "Giant elephant's ear" (Alocasia odora) and "Dwarf elephant ear" (Alocasia gageana). This plant produces large upright leaves that can grow to 1.5 m tall or large. The leaves are thick and well-rounded. 
アメリカ・ワシントンDC「アメリカ国立植物園」にて、2010年02月18日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro