おおひょうたんぼく (大瓢箪木)

Lonicera tschonoskii

Lonicera tschonoskii

Lonicera tschonoskii

Lonicera tschonoskii

スイカズラ科スイカズラ属の落葉低木で、学名は Lonicera tschonoskii。英名はありません。 
"Oo-hyotan-boku" (Lonicera tschonoskii) belongs to Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle family). It is a small deciduous tree that is endemic to Japan and is distributed in the Chubu region and Hiroshima Prefecture of Honshu. It grows in subalpine to alpine zones and grows 1 to 2 m high. From July to August, the peduncle extends from the leaf axils and produces two white flowers, similar to those of the "Japanese honeysuckle". The flowers are white at first, then turn pale yellow. In late summer, it produces gourd-like red fruits. 
[上・中2] 長野県小谷村千国乙「栂池自然園」にて、2006年08月02日撮影。
[中1] 同上にて、2005年07月14日撮影。
[下] 岐阜県高山市丹生川町久手「乗鞍岳」にて、2002年08月17日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro