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Convolvulus cneorum

Convolvulus cneorum

Convolvulus cneorum

Convolvulus cneorum

ヒルガオ科セイヨウヒルガオ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Convolvulus cneorum。英名は Bush morning glory, Silverbush。
The bush morning glory (Convolvulus cneorum) belongs to Convolvulaceae (Bindweed family). It is an evergreen mounding shrub that is native to Southern Europe. This shrub grows in coastal areas and can reach 60-120 cm in height. The leaves are grey-green, lanceolate and covered in fine hairs. The loose panicles are borne at the end of stems and bloom funnel-shaped flowers. The flowers are 2.5-4 cm across and are white with a yellow throat.
[上] 栃木県藤岡町「とちぎ花センター」にて、2008年03月29日撮影。
[中1〜2・下] 茨城県小美玉市「美野里花木センター」にて、2009年04月08日撮影。

Shu Suehiro