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Grevillea alpina

Grevillea alpina

Grevillea alpina

Grevillea alpina

Grevillea alpina

ヤマモガシ科ハゴロモノキ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Grevillea alpina。英名は Mountain grevillea、Cat's claws grevillea。
The mountain grevillea (Grevillea alpina) belongs to the family Proteaceae. It is an evergreen shrub that is native to south-eastern Australia; New South Wales and Victoria. This shrub grows in dry sclerophyll forest or woodland, heath, or mallee, and can reach 0.3-2 m in height. The leaves are oblong to elliptic with entire margins. The flowers resemble to cat's claw and bloom in mainly winter and spring. The peroanth is red with green or yellow-cream at the apex. The fruits are follicle and usually hairy.
[上・中1〜2] 茨城県つくば市「つくば実験植物園」にて、2009年05月23日撮影。
[中3・下] 同上にて、2011年05月04日撮影。

Shu Suehiro