かんとうまゆみ (関東檀) [Index] [Back]

Euonymus sieboldianus var. sanguineus

Euonymus sieboldianus var. sanguineus

Euonymus sieboldianus var. sanguineus

ニシキギ科ニシキギ属の落葉高木で、学名は Euonymus sieboldianus var. sanguineus。英名はありません。
"Kanto-mayumi" (Euonymus sieboldianus var. sanguineus) belongs to Celastraceae (the Bittersweet family). It is a tall deciduous tree that is distributed all over Japan, as well as Sakhalin and the southern Korean Peninsula. This tree grows in forestedges of hills and mountains. Tha barks are grayish brown and steaked dents when become old. The leaves are oblong and opposite with fine toothed edges. The leaves are just like "Spindle tree" (Euonymus sieboldianus), defined by dense short hairs on the reverse side veins. The cymes are borne and the small greenish white flowers come in May to June. The fruits are capsules and ripen pale ponceau in fall, splitting open into four.

Shu Suehiro