かんぼたん (寒牡丹)

Paeonia suffruticosa var. hiberniflora

Paeonia suffruticosa var. hiberniflora

Paeonia suffruticosa var. hiberniflora

Paeonia suffruticosa var. hiberniflora

ボタン科ボタン属の落葉低木で、学名は Paeonia suffruticosa var. hiberniflora。英名はありません。 
"Kan-botan" (Paeonia suffruticosa var. hiberniflora) belongs to Paeoniaceae (the Peony family). It is a small decduous tree that is a variety of "peony" strain, native to northwestern China. The flower buds of this tree develop from fall, and it blooms from November to February. It is a two seasons blooming variery, and also blooms in spring. In this tree cultivation, the buds that grow in the spring are picked, and the leaves are removed in the end of summer, and the straw is fenced from early winter to protect it warmly. The top and 2nd photos are a cultivar 'Yachiyo Tsubaki', and the 3rd and bottom are a cultivar 'Yoshinogawa'. It is also called "Fuyubotan (winter peony)" by another name. 

Shu Suehiro