こすぎごけ (小杉苔)

Pogonatum inflexum

Pogonatum inflexum

Pogonatum inflexum

Pogonatum inflexum

スギゴケ科ニワスギゴケ属の蘚類で、学名は Pogonatum inflexum。英名はありません。 
"Ko-sugi-goke" (Pogonatum inflexum) belongs to the family Polytrichaceae. It is a bryopsida (moss) that is distributed not only in various parts of Japan, but also in the Korean Peninsula, China, and Russia. This moss is usually sunny and grows in clusters on slightly dry mountains and banks. It is the most popular moss in the family of "Sugi-goke". It grows up 1-5 cm in height. When it dries, the leaves roll tightly. It extends a stalk with a sporangium from the tip of the stem. The Japanese name is because it has a shape similar to the branches and leaves of "Japanese cedar". 
[上・中1] 奈良県生駒市西畑町「生駒山」にて、2003年04月06日撮影。
[中2・下] 大阪府四條畷市「むろいけ園地」にて、2003年03月26日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro