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Mahonia lomariifolia

Mahonia lomariifolia

Mahonia lomariifolia

メギ科ヒイラギナンテン属の常緑低木で、学名は Mahonia lomariifolia。英名は Chinese holly grape。
The Chinese holly grape (Mahonia lomariifolia) belongs to Berberidaceae (the Berberry family). It is a small tree that is native to southern China, northern Burma and Taiwan. This tree grows in montane forests ant it can reach 3-5 m in height. The leaves are leathery, waxy, pinnate with 14-20 pairs of spiny leaflets, and cluster near the stem ends. The yellow flowers bloom in upright racemes at the tips of the branches, up to 25cm long, in October to November. The fruits are purplish-black berries which can be made into a scrumptious jam.

Shu Suehiro