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Mitella stauropetala

Mitella stauropetala

Mitella stauropetala

ユキノシタ科チャルメルソウ属の多年草で、学名は Mitella stauropetala。英名は Side-flowered mitrewort。
The Side-flowered mitrewort (Mitella stauropetala) belongs to Saxifragaceae (the Saxifrage family). It is a perennial herb that is native to the northwestern United States, from Washigton, Montana to Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. This herb grows in open to dense woods, seasonally moist, springy sites, and it can reach 15-60 cm in height. The leaves are nearly round, lobed, and slightly hairy on both sides. The 10-45, greenish white to white, tiny flowers bloom on one side of leafless stem from May to July.

Shu Suehiro