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Sphaeralcea ambigua

Sphaeralcea ambigua

Sphaeralcea ambigua

Sphaeralcea ambigua

アオイ科スファエラルケア属の小低木で、学名は Sphaeralcea ambigua。英名は Desert globemallow。
The Desert globemallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua) belongs to Malvaceae (the Mallow family). It is a perennial shrub that is native to California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona in the southwest United States, and northwest Mexico. This shrub grows in creosote bush scrub and desert chaparral, and it can reach about 90 cm in height. The leaves are fuzzy with white hairs on both sides, lobed, palmately veined, and on long stems. The flowers are bowl-shaped, 5-petaled, apricot to orange in color, and bloom in the spring. The fruits are brown capsules containing numerous seeds.
[上・中1] アメリカ・ネバダ州ラスベガス市にて、2009年01月10日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[中2・下] アメリカ・テキサス州「ビッグベンド国立公園」にて、2012年11月02日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis)

Shu Suehiro