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Populus tremuloides

Populus tremuloides

Populus tremuloides

Populus tremuloides

Populus tremuloides

Populus tremuloides

ヤナギ科ヤマナラシ属の落葉高木で、学名は Populus tremuloides。英名は Quaking aspen、Trembling aspen。
The Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) belongs to Salicaceae (the Willow family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is distributed widely to northern and central North America. This tree grows on dry to moist sites in foothills to subalpine zones, and it can reach 12-21 m in height. The bark is whitish, smooth and thin. The leaves are nearly round, long petiolate, finely saw-toothed, shiny green above, dull green beneath and abruptly short-pointed. They turn golden-yellow in fall. The flowers are catkins 2.5-6 cm long, male and female on separate trees, and they bloom in spring before leaves. The fruits are cone-shaped capsules that release many tiny seeds tipped with soft, white hairs.
[上・中1〜4] アメリカ・オレゴン州「ピーター・スキーン・オグデン州立公園」にて、2013年06月10日撮影。
[下] アメリカ・コロラド州「ジェム湖」にて、2017年08月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro