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Cyperus polystachyos

Cyperus polystachyos

Cyperus polystachyos

Cyperus polystachyos

わが国の本州、関東地方以西から四国・九州、琉球列島それに台湾、朝鮮半島南部、世界の亜熱帯や熱帯に広く分布しています。海岸近くの砂地や草地に生え、高さは10〜40センチになります。茎は堅くて叢生し、葉は線形です。8月から10月ごろ、花茎をだし、先端に球形の花序をつけます。小穂は扁平な線状披針形で、先が尖ります。花序の基部からは、長くて葉状の苞が数個つきます。台湾華語では「多枝扁莎」、中国語では「多枝扁莎(duo zhi bian suo)」と呼ばれます。C4植物(C4型光合成を行う植物)です。
カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属の多年草で、学名は Cyperus polystachyos (syn. Pycreus polystachyos)。英名は Bunchy flatsedge。
The Bunchy flatsedge (Cyperus polystachyos) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is dstributed westward from Kanto district of Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu, the Ryukyu Islands, and as well as Taiwan, the southern Korean Peninsula and sub-tropical to tropical areas throughout the world. This herb grows in coastal sandy places or grasslands, and can reach 10-40 cm in height. The stems are very hard and clumping, and the leaves are linear. The flowering stalks are borne and produce globose inflorescences at the top of stalks from August to October. The spikelets are flat linear-lanceolate with acute tips. The several, long leafy bracts are borne at the base of inflorescences. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "多枝扁莎", and in Chinese "多枝扁莎" (duo zhi bian suo). It is a C4 plant (Plants with C4-type photosynthesis).

Shu Suehiro