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Euonymus japonicus var. macrophyllus

Euonymus japonicus var. macrophyllus

Euonymus japonicus var. macrophyllus

ニシキギ科ニシキギ属の常緑小高木で、学名は Euonymus japonicus var. macrophyllus。英名は Large-leaf Japanese spindle tree。 
The Large-leaf Japanese spindle tree (Euonymus japonicus var. macrophyllus) belongs to Celastraceae (the Bittersweet family). It is a semi-tall evergreen tree that is a variety of "Japanese spindle tree" distributed in various parts of Japan and is characterized by its large leaves. It grows 3 to 5 m tall. The leaves are obovate, petiolate, and grow in opposite pairs. From June to July, it produces cymes and blooms light green, 4-petaled flowers. The fruits ripen from December to February. The fruit is three to four lobed and produces four seeds with yellowish-red pseudocarp. 

Shu Suehiro