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Ilex verticillata

Ilex verticillata

モチノキ科モチノキ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Ilex verticillata。英名は Winterberry、Black alder。 
The winterberry (Ilex verticillata) belongs to Aquifoliaceae (the Holly family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is native to eastern North America; the eastern United States and southeast Canada. This tree grows in wetland habitats, but also on dry sand dunes and grassland, and up to a height of 1-5 m. The leaves are glossy green with a serrated margin and an acute apex. The flowers are small with 5-8 white petals. The fruit is a globose red drupe 6-8 mm in diameter, which often persists on the branches long into the winter. They are an important food resource for some species of bird, among them the American robin. 
アメリカ・ワシントンDC「アメリカ国立植物園」にて、2011年12月04日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro