はないばな (葉内花)

Bothriospermum tenellum

Bothriospermum tenellum

わが国の各地をはじめ、台湾や朝鮮半島、中国、東南アジアに広く分布しています。道ばたや畑などに生え、高さは10〜15センチになります。茎は細くて基部は地面を這います。葉は長楕円形から楕円形で互生します。3月から11月ごろ、茎の上部の葉と葉のあいだに青紫色の花を咲かせます。「きゅうりぐさ(胡瓜草)」に似ていますが、サソリの尾のような花序をつくりません。台湾華語では「細纍子草」、中国語では「柔弱斑种草(rou ruo ban zhong cao)」と呼ばれます。 
ムラサキ科ハナイバナ属の一年草または二年草で、学名は Bothriospermum tenellum。英名は Leaf between flower。 
The Leaf between flower (Bothriospermum tenellum) belongs to Boraginaceae (the Borage family). It is an annual or a biennial herb that is widely distributed throughout Japan, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and Southeast Asia. It grows along roadsides and in fields, and is 10-15 cm tall. The stems are thin and crawl on the ground at the base. The leaves are oblong to elliptic and alternate, and blue-purple flowers bloom between the leaves at the top of the stem from March to November. It is similar to the cucumber herb, but it does not produce an inflorescence like a scorpion's tail. In Taiwanese, it is called "細纍子草" and in Chinese "柔弱斑种草" (rou ruo ban zhong cao). 

Shu Suehiro