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Sphagnum cuspidatum

Sphagnum cuspidatum

Sphagnum cuspidatum

Sphagnum cuspidatum

Sphagnum cuspidatum

Sphagnum cuspidatum

ミズゴケ科ミズゴケ属のコケ類で、学名は Sphagnum cuspidatum。英名は Feathery bog-moss。
The feathery bog-moss (Sphagnum cuspidatum) belongs to Sphagnaceae (the Bog moss family). It is a bryopsida (moss) that is distributed northward Honshu to Hokkaido, as well as widely in the Northern Hemisphere. This moss grown in bogs and marshes usually on acid soils, and forms large clusters. The plant is green to yellow and the stem can reach up to 5 cm long. The cauline leaves are deltoid and the ramous leaves are long-ovate with elongated tips.
[上・中1〜2] 福島県昭和村「駒止湿原」にて、2012年08月26日撮影。
[中3〜4・下] 福島県南会津町「宮床湿原」にて、2013年07月21日撮影。

Shu Suehiro