
Kalanchoe uniflora cv. Tessa

Kalanchoe uniflora cv. Tessa

Kalanchoe uniflora cv. Mirabella

Kalanchoe uniflora cv. Mirabella

Kalanchoe uniflora cv. Mirabella

Kalanchoe uniflora cv. Mirabella

写真上・中1の品種は、「テッサ(cv. Tessa)」、
中2〜4・下は、「ミラベラ(cv. Mirabella)」 。 
ベンケイソウ科リュウキュウベンケイ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Kalanchoe uniflora。英名は Coral bells。 
The coral bells (Kalanchoe uniflora) belongs to Crassulaceae (the Orpine family). It is an evergreen herb that is native to Madagascar. This herb grows on cliffs and tree trunks by the aerial roots. The stems are thin and crawling and hang from the basket. It is also called an "Angel lamp", but it is a bell-shaped flower that is a member of Kalanchoe and has red and deep red bell-shaped flowers facing down. The top and 2nd photos are a cultivar 'Tessa', and the 3rd to bottom phots are a cultivar 'Mirabella'. 

Shu Suehiro