きつねやなぎ (狐柳) [Index] [Back]

Salix vulpina

Salix vulpina

Salix vulpina

Salix vulpina

Salix vulpina

Salix vulpina

Salix vulpina

ヤナギ科ヤナギ属の落葉低木で、学名は Salix vulpina。英名はありません。 
"Kitsune-yanagi" (Salix vulpina) belongs to Salicaceae (the Willow family). It is a small deciduous tree that is distributed from northern Kanto district north to Tohoku district of Honshu, Hokkaido in Japan and southern part of the Kuril Islands. This tree grow on sunny places in hills to mountainous areas, and up a height of 1-2 m. The bark is grayish brown. The leaves are obobate, alternate, with sharply pionted tips and shallow, wavy toothed edges. It is a dioecious and blooms flowers from March to April, before the development of leaves. The inflorescences are cylindrical with a length of 3-5 cm, and the male flower anthers are is yellow. The flower bracts are borne iron rust colored hairs. 
[上・中1〜3] 山形県小国町小玉川にて、2018年05月23日撮影。
[中4〜5・下] 同上にて、2019年05月13日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro