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Pogonatum contortum

Pogonatum contortum

Pogonatum contortum

スギゴケ科ニワスギゴケ属の蘚類で、学名は Pogonatum contortum。英名は Contorted pogonatum moss。 
The contorted pogonatum moss (Pogonatum contortum) belongs to the family Polytrichaceae. It is a bryopsida (moss) that is distributed all over Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, China, Far East Russia and the western North American. This moss grows on the shady land of mountains and its height is 4-10 cm. The stem is upright and does not branch. The leaves are lanceolate 4-8 mm long with sharp toothed edges, and dry and shrink significantly in dry condition. It is a dioecious, usually one colony is a strain of the same sex. 

Shu Suehiro