なんごくあおい (南国葵) [Index] [Back]

Heterotropa crassa

Heterotropa crassa

ウマノスズクサ科カンアオイ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Heterotropa crassa (syn. Asarum crassum)。英名はありません。
"Nangoku-aoi" (Heterotropa crassa) belongs to Aristolochiaceae (the Birthwort family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is endemic to Kuroshima and the Uji Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. This herb grows in small evergreen forests, and it can reach about 40 cm in height. The leaves are ovate-cordate, dalk green and having not cloudlike mottles on the surface. They have long petioles. The pale green tinged purplish brown flowers bloom on the bases from November to March. The calyx lobes are covered on both surfaces and edges with hairs.

Shu Suehiro