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Rhododendron ponticum

Rhododendron ponticum

ツツジ科ツツジ属の常緑低木で、学名は Rhododendron ponticum。英名は Pontic Rhododendron。 
The Pontic Rhododendron (Rhododendron ponticum) belongs to Ericaceae (the Azalea family). It is a small evergreen tree that is native to the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe and the Caucasus region of northern western Asia. It grows in mountainous areas and grows to a height of about 5 m. The leaves are oblong or elliptic-lanceolate and 10 to 20 cm long. 6 to 15 flowers appear in inflorescences at the ends of branches from May to June. Each flower is funnel-shaped, about 5 cm wide, and mauve to pale purple or red-purple in color. The upper petals usually have green or brown spots (nectar markers). The fruit is a capsule with many small seeds. It was introduced to England in the 19th century and was widely planted in parks, but is now considered a vigorous and invasive plant, and efforts are underway to control its spread.
[上] イギリス・ランカシャー州プレストンにて、2023年05月25日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)
[下] 同上にて、2023年06月07日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)

Shu Suehiro