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Smilax bona-nox

Smilax bona-nox

サルトリイバラ科シオデ属の落葉蔓性木本で、学名は Smilax bona-nox。英名は Saw greenbrier。
The Saw greenbrier (Smilax bona-nox) belongs to Smilacaceae (the Catbrier family). It is a deciduous woody vine that is native to the south-east and south-central the United States and north-east Mexico. This vine grows in forests, fields and roadsides and can reach 6-9 m long. The stems are usually 4-angled or ridged with stiff spines. The leaves are deltoid or ovate, dark green, sometimes covered with light green splotches. The numerous, small, greenish flowers bloom in spring. The fruits ripen black in fall.
アメリカ・テキサス州マッキニー市「ハードミュージアム」にて、2007年04月06日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro