ムクロジ科モクゲンジ属の落葉高木で、学名は Koelreuteria henryi。英名は Flamegold、Flame golden-rain tree。
The Flamegold (Koelreuteria henryi) belongs to Sapindaceae (the Soapberry family). It is a tall deciduous tree that is endemic to Taiwan. This tree grows in evergreen broadleaf forests and can reach up to 15 m in height. The leaves are alternate and odd-pinnate with 9-13 oblong to ovate leaflets. The large panicles; 30-60 cm long are borne on the terminal branches and the yellowish flowers bloom in fall. The fruits are capsules, rose-colored and inflated bladder-like. In Japan, it was introduced as a greening plant in Okinawa Prefecture in the 1980s and is used for roadside trees.
[上・中1〜4] 愛知県安城市「デンパーク」にて、2007年11月02日撮影。 [中5・中6] アメリカ・カリフォルニア州「バルボア公園」にて、2007年10月14日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) [中7・下] ギリシャ・アテネ「アクロポリス」にて、2014年09月25日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro。