あさのはかえで (麻の葉楓) [Index] [Back]

Acer argutum

Acer argutum

Acer argutum

カエデ科カエデ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Acer argutum。英名はありません。
The "Asanoha-kaede" (Acer argutum) belongs to Aceraceae (the Maple family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is native to Japan from Fukushima and Niigata prefectures to the west end of Honshu, as well as the island of Shikoku. This tree grows in montane dales and can reach 5-10 m in height. The bark is smooth, grayish-brown to gray, and pockmarked with lenticels. The leaves are palmately divided into 5-7 lobes and opposite. They look like hemp (Cannabis sativa) leaves, and the surfaces are wrinkled. This tree is dioecious. The pale yellowish-green flowers bloom on short racemes from May to June. The fruits are samaras and ripen in August to October. The wings spread out to almost 180 degrees. (edit by Greg Brockelbank)

Shu Suehiro