こやぶらん (小藪蘭)

Liriope spicata

Liriope spicata

わが国の本州、関西地方以西から四国・九州、それに台湾や中国に分布しています。暖地の林内に生え、地中に走出枝を伸ばして広がります。「やぶらん(藪蘭)」に似ていますが、線形の葉の幅が4〜7ミリほどしかありません。7月から9月ごろ、花茎を伸ばして総状花序に、淡い紫色の花を咲かせます。別名で「りゅうきゅうやぶらん(琉球藪蘭)」とも呼ばれ、グランドカバーに利用されます。台湾華語では「麦門冬」、中国語では「山麦冬(shan mai dong)」と呼ばれます。 
ユリ科ヤブラン属の常緑多年草で、学名は Liriope spicata。英名はありません。 
"Ko-yabu-ran" (Liriope spicata) belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from Kansai region of Honshu westward to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan and China. It grows in forests in warm climates, spreading underground by spreading branches. It has linear leaves that are only 4 to 7 mm wide, similar to those of the "yaburan", and it produces pale purple flowers in racemes from July to September. It is also known as "Ryukyu-yaburan," and is used as a groundcover. It is called "麦門冬" in Taiwanese Chinese and "山麦冬" (shan mai dong) in Chinese. 

Shu Suehiro