みつもとそう (水源草)

Potentilla cryptotaemae

Potentilla cryptotaemae

Potentilla cryptotaemae

Potentilla cryptotaemae

Potentilla cryptotaemae

バラ科キジムシロ属の多年草で、学名は Potentilla cryptotaemae。英名は Lang Ya。
The Lang Ya (Potentilla cryptotaemae) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed all over Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and China. This herb grows in wet mountain valleys and can reach 50-100 cm in height. The whole plant is covered with dense hairs. The leaves are trifoliate with serrate edges. The yellow flowers bloom at the upper stems from July to September. It is also called "Mitsumoto-so" or "Minamoto-so" in Japan, both Japanese common names are derived from waterhead.
[上・中1] 滋賀県米原市藤川「伊吹山」にて、2005年07月25日撮影。
[中2〜3・下] 福島県昭和村「駒止湿原」にて、2012年08月26日撮影。

Shu Suehiro