ももたまな (桃玉名)

Terminalia catappa

Terminalia catappa

Terminalia catappa

Terminalia catappa

Terminalia catappa

シクンシ科モモタマナ属の落葉高木で、学名は Terminalia catappa。英名は Sea almond、Indian almond。 
The sea almond (Terminalia catappa) belongs to the family Combretaceae. It is a tall deciduous tree that is distributed to the southern Ryukyu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands in Japan, as well as Southeastern Asia and Polynesia. This tree grows near seashore and can reach 15-20 m in height. The trunk is erect and the lateral branches are arranged annular and several tiers. The tree crown looks like a pagoda (tiered tower). The leaves are obovate, 25-30 cm long and alternate intensively at end of twigs. They turn red before defoliation twice a year. The white flowers bloom in the axile flowering spikes in spring and fall. The flower is non-petaled though the white calyx lobes. The fruits resemble to peach stones. The seeds are edible, the leaves contain rich polyphenol and are used for a healthy tea. 
[上・中1] 群馬県高崎市「高崎市染料植物園」にて、2008年12月07日撮影。
[中2] 京都市左京区「京都府立植物園」にて、2005年02月15日撮影。
[中3・下] 関緑著「太陽の花たち」より。(photo by Midori Seki) 

Shu Suehiro