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Clematis terniflora var. boninensis

Clematis terniflora var. boninensis

Clematis terniflora var. boninensis

Clematis terniflora var. boninensis

キンポウゲ科センニンソウ属の落葉木本で、学名は Clematis terniflora var. boninensis。英名は Munin virgin's bower。
The Munin virgin's bower (Clematis terniflora var. boninensis) belongs to Ranunculaceae (the Buttercup family). It is a deciduous woody vine that is endemic to Japan, and distributed to the Ogasawara Islands. This herb grows on border of woods and thickets, and climbs up adjascent shrubs and trees. The leaves are pinnate compound with 3-5 glossy ovate-elliptic leaflets. The panicles are borne on the terminal axils, and the white flowers bloom from July to September. The collora is biggish than Virgin's bower (Clematis terniflora). The plant contains poisonous protoanemonin, and the white saps cause a skin irritation.

Shu Suehiro